"Thanks for the ride mom, I'll see you after track." I said as I closed the door for another day of school.
"Hey." one of my friends called to me as she came and walked with me towards the school.
"Whats up?" I said as we rounded the corner up the stairs and went into the building.
We walked into the school just as the school bells rung saying that school has officially started.
After school was over 8 hours later,
I walked back from track and sat on the sidewalk waiting for mom to come.
I saw one of my friends go into the road to retrieve a football from the road, but I also saw a car speeding down the road coming right around the corner where she was only 60 feet away.
"Lizzy, get out of the way!" I yelled as I dropped my backpack and ran to the edge of the road.
Lizzy just stood there motionless, and in shock at what was flying at her.
I without thinking ran into the road and pushed her out of the way,
but was not quick enough to get away myself.
With a loud explosion of pain through my body the car hit me and I hit the ground with a crack.
The driver got out with a worried look on his face.
Everyone came and surrounded me as I lay there bleeding,
unable to move and slowly losing consciousness.
Then I heard a loud scream and looked painfully up to see
Lizzy standing there looking at me
with tears streaming down her face leaving a makeup trial along her face.
The next thing I knew the ambulance was there.
The paramedics lifted me up onto the gurney and into the ambulance I was put.
Then I lost consciousness.
When I awoke I was in the ER and my mom and family were all around me.
I tried to sit up but fell painfully back down onto the uncomfortable hospital bed and an explosion of pain shot into my body.
"Mom, Dad?" I said weakly as sparks shot through my vision.
"We are right here, sweaty."
"Tell Lizzy it was not her fault, and tell Jamie I'm sorry."
"Sweaty, you can tell them that."
The pain began to increase and I felt my heart beat began to slow down.
"Mom, please tell everyone I love them."
Closed my eyes as the pain jumped even higher.
"Honey, don't fade on me now." I heard my dad say.
"Don't forget me." I said through clenched teeth as my breath came in short gasps.
"Doctor, we need a doctor."
"Remember me" I said softly as my heart stopped and I closed my eyes for the last time.
I slowly slipped out of my pain and into the soothing darkness of death.
Remember Me.
At my funeral there was over one hundred people.
And on my grave stone they engraved below my name
my last words, and my favorite saying.
Don't forget me
Live, Laugh, Love.

♫♦♣♠♥Please Remember Me when I'm gone, Remember Me when you're sad, Remember Me when you need a shoulder to cry on, Remember Me when you are feeling doubt, Remember Me when you need a friend, and always remember I'm watching you from afar, and I'll Always Remember You!♥♠♣♦♫
♫Remember me♫
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