Monday, February 28, 2011

Swing swing swing I hear the angels sing

The air is crisp and sweet to the taste as I walk in this beautiful Spring day, heading towards my favorite place.
There is no one about on this cool Spring morning everyone is at school and work except for me. 

As I make my way down to my favorite place, I look around and see God's grace. 
I sit myself down on the swing and start to softly swing.
Swing swing swing I hear laughter in the wind.
I swing higher and higher up into the sky, I think I might fly up to the sky.
Swing swing swing oh I can imagine the angels sing.
I softly start to sing to myself as the wind blows me about.
Swing swing swing I think I hear the angels singing.

There is no boundaries to your mind even for the blind as you swing up from behind up and from the front.
Swing swing swing oh the angels sing.

As I swing I look up into the sky and see the clouds of many different sizes, all are God's surprises.
Swing swing swing I hear the angels sing. 
As I sing and swing I hear laughter in the wind as it flows through my wild untamed hair.
Swing swing swing I think the angels are swinging and singing.

Oh how I love to swing in the Spring time.
Swing swing swing I hear laughter in the wind.
Sing to the wind sing sing sing.
Swing swing swing oh I can imagine the angels sing.
I love to sing and swing and go up and up.
Swing swing swing I think I hear the angels singing.

All by myself I love to swing, nobodies around who can take me down from my swinging.
Swing swing swing oh I think the angels sing.

I start to fly into the sky with my mind, up and down I swing.
Swing swing swing I hear the angels sing.
The air in my hair and the wind at my back as I fly up and down and upside-down.
Swing swing swing I think the angels are swinging and singing.

Swing swing swing I hear laughter in the wind.
Swing swing swing oh I can imagine the angels singing. 
Swing swing swing I think I hear the angels sing.
Swing swing swing oh the angels sing.
Swing swing swing I hear the angels sing.
Swing swing swing I think the angels are swinging and singing.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Life is what you make it




Only you

Entertain yourself


So Hey Always Remember To Enjoy Your Life
Because You Only Have One Life To Live.



Tuesday, February 22, 2011


The whole family was fast asleep not even a slight noise came from them.
The whole night was as peaceful as the moon, or so it would seem.
As the night wore on you could hear if you listened closely footsteps coming to the door.
And as silent as the wind the door opened and two figures stepped dressed in black from head to toe.
slowly they made their way to the kitchen, the bigger guy pulled out a long string of twisted rope soaked in liquor,
he put the edge in the box of explosives and rolled the rest through the door.
He lit the other end of the rope and ran to a safe distance away from the house and watched silent as the night itself as the fire made its way along the rope and into the house.
The daughter woke up to the smell of burning and came down stairs.
 When she saw the fire she ran back up the stairs waking her whole family up and telling them what was going on.
Her family ran for the window and climbed out quick but little did they know that they left their young son sleeping in the cradle.
Just then the house burst into flames and the windows shattered.
The two guys watched with silent satisfaction as the house burned.
The daughter having just realized that her brother was in there climbed back into the burning house just before the firemen arrived.
The mother screamed when she saw her two children missing, she ran towards the house but was stopped by the firemen.
She screamed at them that her daughter and son were still in there and desperately tried to break free.
Everyone heard a laud scream and a young girl's voice yelling help we are over here.
They ran over to the window and grabbed the baby, they were about to grab her but the fire blocked that exit.
All they could hear were the laud pleas of the girl begging them to get her out of there and they could do absolutely nothing but hear the sickening screams of the daughter as she searched for a way to escape her fiery grave.
The firemen fought to get inside and rescue the young teen from her agony but the fire was too strong.
About six hours later they finally put the fire out.
The family and firemen searched the house for the daughter but could not find her.
Till they heard a loud and agonizing scream coming from the mother as she fought to remove the roof boards from the still form of the girl.
When they removed the debris from on top of her they saw that she was dead.
Her whole family morned for their daughter and sister.
The news crew came and they called the story A sister's courage.
The whole community came together and morned for the young courageous girl.
One of the young men was later found and sent to jail.
The one who opened the door was truly sorry for the young girl's life and claimed that he did not know that the family was at home.
He later testified against his own brother in court landing him a lighter sentence but ended up with a troubled and guilty mind.
The girl's family never was the same again.
But they were so thankful for their daughter's courage and big heart.

A memorial for the daughter was set in her favorite place at the park and on it was written,
One girl's sense saved a whole family from their death, her sense of an emergency saved her little brother's life but lost her own in the process.
She is the miracle of the Haze family.    

Monday, February 21, 2011


I look at you and wonder why you made me cry
As I try to smile you do it again I start to teer and walk away
My eyes are shiny as water leeks out from them I can't stop the leek no matter how much I blink
I cry for you
I cry for what makes you cry
I cry for the kids who did not see the light of day
I cry because I'm hurt to see you say such a thing to me
I cry for the families torn apart by pain
I cry for the nation as it comes crashing in
I look into the mirror I will stop crying with shining eyes I write this poem

Why do you cry
Why do you look so sad
What did they do to make you so sad
You're eyes are so wet
Honey you'll drown in the tears that fall from you're eyes
Cry for those who died
Cry for the children who never knew their mom or dad
Cry for our nation as she falls down this deep hole

I am really sorry to see you crying but maybe its not so bad to cry every once in a while.
But please help me stop crying

Crying, dieing or smiling

Anger management

Ahhh I hate being angry.
Do you ever just get angry and want to throttle someone, but then you remember what the preacher said about managing you're anger and you attempt to calm down but it never works.

Here are ten ways to attempt to control you're anger:

  1. Take a big deep breath
  2. Count to ten ten times
  3. Ask yourself why you are angry
  4. Channel you're anger out in good things rather then bad things
  5. Walk away from what is making you angry
  6. Tell the person (if it is a person) to please stop
  7. Scream into a pillow
  8. Run laps around the house
  9. Do something physical or mind puzzling
  10. Don't get angry!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope this helps and please don't bang the keys on the keypad


Friday, February 18, 2011

Look through my eyes

Yes I'm shy
Yes I also cry
Yes I can be rash and yes I tend to get mad easily 
Yes I'm easily embarrassed

But that is not who I really am
No I never let you see who I really am on the inside
If only you could see the way I see and feel the way I feel in my life
If you could look through my eyes then you would understand the way I feel

If you see me and I just go silent not talking any more you would know why I'm staying silent.?!

I'll take you on a short journey through my life and I hope it explains some things about my life that puzzle you.

When we are arguing or talking rather rashly and you say something and I go silent I'm deciding not to say what I'm going to say cause I don't want to hurt you.
When we are fighting and I don't show any emotion I'm really crying on the inside.
When I just stop talking and look away it is not that I'm mad it's more like I'm listening to the soothing wind.
My smiles are usually only skin deep I'm really shattered on the inside.


I say I'm okay but I'm really not I just don't want to worry you even if I'm dieing on the inside.
I'll not say what I really want to say if it will hurt you or if it will contradict you.
You ask my opinion I won't always tell you what I think because I don't want to hurt you're feelings.
I never speak my mind and if I do I don't tell you everything.
I hate seeing you or anyone sad it kills me inside and makes me want to cry.
When I laugh at you're pain It is not my fault I'm feeling what it is like to do what you do and it is my defect.
When I say I'd do something nine times out of ten I end up doing something.
I know myself better then you know me whether you like it or not.
If you contradict me it hurts me on the inside.
When you're talking and I stare out into space it's not that what you say is boring me I just space-out alot hence the name.
When I'm sad I will do my best not to show you so I tend to walk away or turn away from you to defend my image.

This has been a short journey through my eyes and that is probably all you will ever know for free the rest you have to figure out on you're own.

 That is the mystery of me.

Look through my eyes and know how I feel.

Spazes have more fun

Okay i'm not always a spazz but lately I have been very spazzy which is very odd for me.

Well moving on.
Have you ever seen a shirt that says blondes have more fun or brunets have more fun? Did you ever stop and think that that is sooo not true?! The truth that never comes out is that Spazes have way more fun and it is soooooooooooo True.
Ask any spazzy person and they will say the same.
I am occasionally a spazz I have to admit, though it kills me to or not really me but it kills the image I have set up for myself.

If you ever meet a spazz I say beware I am friends with two of the biggest spazes  in the state of Washington and I tell you it is contagious highly contagious.
I would show you photos but I can't find a good enough one.

Stay Spazzy

And SPAZES HAVE WAY MORE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's Spaztastic.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The battle

Who do you think you are just walking back into my life.
Why do you insist on torturing me day and night
Who gave you the right to tell me whats wrong or right
Why don't you just leave the way you came from
Who are you to tell me that I'm not who I should be
Why don't you just break my faith right now it will save you some time
When will you realize that I don't want you in my life
Who told you to cause my life to fall apart
Why do you hold me hostage
Who are you to blackmail me with my memories
We are over I told you so get out of my head
Why do you mess with my emotions
You're always confusing the thoughts in my head so that I don't know what is real and what is not.
Who do you think you are trying to bring me back to my old self.
When will you realize that I've changed since then and am not the                person I once was
Why can't you get it through you're head that i'm not you're possession
When will you just stop and leave me alone
Why don't you just give up you know you have already lost the fight
You don't define me any more.
Looks won't hold me back anymore
I will be happy again and you can't stop my happiness.
Why don't you just give in and go already because you're just wasting you're time on me
I found a new love and his name is Jesus and He loves me for being me
He does not care what I've done in my past.
You can't take the joy I feel away not anymore.
God won the battle with you before it ever started and you have lost.

My Valentine

Be my valentine!?

I walk through the halls of my new school, it's Valentine's day in two days and yes you've guessed no secret admirer no boyfriend of any sort, I'm not in a relationship with anyone.
I see my friends with their boyfriends near their lockers, they wave at me as I walk past them towards my locker.
My locker is as usual in the midst of all the boyfriends and girlfriends with their silly valentine ideas, so I squeeze past them to my locker. And as I open up my locker to grab my books for my class I see a Valentine on one of my books addressed to me but there is no name which was a little odd and flustering. When I go to close my locker someone knocks me down accidentally. So when I turn over from falling flat on my face he turns to help me up and he collects all my books for me, while he is doing this he apologized for knocking me down.
He turns after he helps me up and asks rather dully what my next class is so when I told him he insisted on carrying my books which I will say was highly ridiculous so I agreed to let him walk me to my class just not carry my books because that would arouse suspicion to myself which would never do. As it turned out he was one of the school STUDS according to the gossiping girls that sat so conveniently close to me.
 I got out of class and walked quickly to my locker but not watching where I was going "Go figure!" and smack, bang I ran right into someone and yes you've guessed it I fell down again but I did not face plant thankfully. And as usual which I don't know if it is just dumb luck if it even is luck that it was a guy I ran into.
I looked up at the guy I ran into, and my face turned beet red I ran into the head football player and fell in front of him. And as usual the guy helped me up which again was totally unnecessary but he still did.
And he walked me to my class which we coincidently shared "Perfect" I thought to myself as I slumped into my chair totally embarrassed.
Then we sat together at lunch which was kind of weird sitting with the STUDS as the girls tend to call them.

He or should I say Jake later catches me as I head to my car and asks if I would like to go bowling with some of the guys, which I dumbly agree to.
Jake becomes my best friend over the chorus of two days.
Jake asked me causally on Valentine's day asks me if I am going to the Valentine's day dance which I then reply to with a no, (tell you the truth I was sad that the guy who wrote my valentine did not ask me or even have enough courage to let me see who he is.) Jake then proceeds to ask me if I would like to go the dance with him, and when I said yes he proceeded to quote something under his breath that was actually from the valentine in my locker.
Thats when I realized that Jake was the one who put the valentine into my locker.
I was so happy that I found him. I lost myself and gave him a huge hug and kissed him on the cheek which I think he enjoyed a little to much.

And that is how I found My Valentine.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

All by myself

All by myself I walk the streets at night
All by myself I cry each night
All by myself I cringe in fear
All by myself I sing this song
All by myself I do my work
All by myself I hear his voice
All by myself I wonder in the forests of mystery
All by myself I think of you
All by myself I wonder if its true
All by myself I watch you go 
All by myself I fall to the ground, no one cares to lift me back up
All by myself I hear you cry
All by myself I say goodbye
All by myself I walk away
All by myself I wonder why
All by myself, all by myself, I don't want to be all by myself any more

All by myself I write this poem
All by myself   

Monday, February 7, 2011

Pretty Pictures that I like to add things to

No matter what color you are you are still human
or in this case dragons
I see the past and the future in you're eyes.
What can you see on the horizon. 

Do you have what it takes to be cool like me!?
No I did not think so!
Jedi light-saber floating through the atmospheric sky.
I light up your night with fright
there is no escape from me I am the tiger.
From earth to space were surrounded by his grace.

To be continued 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Oh son of mine

A beautiful sight a mother with her son as she watches him grow

Oh son of mine how much you've grown.
Oh son of mine if I had known.
Oh son of mine our time is short.
Oh son of mine I'm glad I did not abort.
Oh son of mine please don't cry.
Oh son of mine cause I could dye.
Oh son of mine why do you doubt
Oh son of mine please don't pout
Oh son of mine why so sad?
Oh son of mine why not glad?
Oh son of mine I know we are much to far for a car.
Oh son of mine you're in my heart.
Oh son of mine you are God's work of art.
Oh son of mine I love you so!!
Oh son of mine did you know that someone else loves you so?
Oh son of mine God loves you and watches you grow!

A pro life gesture straight from my heart.

Shattered hopes and dreams

Here we are again another heart another dream another life shattered to pieces.

A girl has a family full of love and peace.
Till one day while she is at school,  her whole life falls apart. She gets a call from the hospital her mother, father, and all her siblings are dead due to a fetal car accident! She is now all alone.
Her family is crashing down around her. Her perfect life full of hopes and dreams shattered into a million  pieces her family is all dead and gone so are her dreams.

She wonders why she did not die with them.
She asks why did it have to be them.

In an instant all she had ever loved and known was gone. All her hopes and dreams shattered into a million pieces. A once complete heart is now broken.
Her life will never be the same. Now she must adapt to a life full of pain.

When will the war end; Just a random writing

Their yelling again at each other
You would think I would be used to it by now but it never stops to shatter my hopes of peace.
I grew up in this mess, I have never known what it is like to have a family that is in harmony with each other.
When I ask whats up they say you're just a kid you would not understand any of this and they keep talking like i'm invisible to them though I'm standing right there.
My family was not always dis-functional it used to be in harmony and at peace before I was born.
Then I came along and bang all the peace is gone and I'm stuck never knowing what it used to be unless someone takes the time to tell me which they rarely do.
I feel the pain of all the wars waging in my family.
I see the output of all the struggles that go on I see the pain on their faces as they don't know how to stop and love each other again, and just start all over but that is vary unlikely.
Now that I'm older and a little more wiser I'm starting to learn more about this war but I still have not found the way to end it.
But Someday I'll find the cure to all the unhappiness and change to normal but till then all I ask is
-When will this war and pain all end-
Photos of what should happen