Friendship is one of the main things that makes life worthwhile. When you have a friend to confide in,
suffering seems more bearable, and pleasures are more intense. Everything is better when you have a friend to share it with. When a friendship breaks, whether or not it is for the best, there is a degree of pain and mourning that an individual goes through. There were things that you may have done only with that person and you feel a void in your life. Take some time to let yourself mourn before moving on to other relationships.
I watch you walk away from me
And the tears start to fall
I ask myself a million times
How did we lose it all???
For the first time I had no words
that to you I could say
I cling to old memories
And I watch you walk away
I just don't want to let you go
But inside I know I must
My heart's whimpering with pain
But it's my mind I trust
There's confusion around me
There's numbness in my heart
But looking at you walk away
My world just fell apart
If only I could handle it
And bear to just say
I'd use my breath and say the words
Don't Walk Away!!!
I remember the time not long ago
When we laughed and shared it all
We were the very best of friends
Or at least that’s what I thought.
I often wonder why friendships end
What happens to sever that tie
How can someone once so close
Just wave you off with a good bye
I must have been lacking
I must have been wrong
I wasn’t the friend to you
That you were to me all along.
I thought I was loyal
I know I was true
But something went wrong
Now there’s nothing to do
A friendship lost
Is a very sad thing
The angels weep instead of sing.
The relationship between two friends
Is more than you can hold in your hands
It feels like it could never break
Or someone could ever take
Then suddenly like the break of dawn
Someone else comes along
Then the relationship bends so much that it breaks apart
And soon it breaks a heart.
Are you really gone?
As my days draw out I find myself thinking about you
I miss you dearly and wish you were by my side, too
You are a real friend and I hate not having you here
Never being able to see you or talk to you would be my greatest fear
We have become close and I think of you as kin
Kirsten I miss you, Will we be able to laugh again?
We had so much fun together; thinking of it makes me sad
Do you think I will ever get a chance to prove myself to your mom and dad?
Your parents think I'm a bad person and I wish that wasn't true
I wish they understood how much I really do care for you!
I love you like a sister and I will always care
I wish things were different not being able to talk to you doesn't seem fair
I miss our silly jokes; I miss our bond of trust
I hate not being able to talk to you and I don't want to have to adjust
I wish I had the opportunity to sit with your mom and make her see
I am not a bad person and I am not the person they have made me out to be
I wish she only knew how hard it is for me
To sit here everyday and think about you and me
You are a great person and I have so much respect for you
I wish we could still laugh and joke like we used to be able to
I hope we will always be friends! I will always be here for you
I just want to know, will you be there for me too?
"Et tu Brute, then fall Caesar". Perhaps the most famous words in English literature speak of a betrayal of a friend. Julius Caesar is saying that if even his close friend Brutus is stabbing him, then he has no hope. Our friends are the ones that we expect will stand by us through thick and thin. When are going through hard times, we ask that they be "like a bridge over troubled waters". If we cannot count on our friends to pull us through, then who can we count on?
The blood was shed
It will never be the same
Feel the intruding lead
That hangs my head in pain
The drainage not on my hands
But flows down my back
It was only in the sands
Where you planned your attack
Executed without flaws
With no issue at hand
You dug deep with your claws
Into a faceless land
Your face full of lies
When you greet me at that place
I see through your disguise
And reject your embrace
The wound you try to heal
Is now a gaping maw
Your words can never conceal
The true colors I saw
We said it was forever - said we'd never part,
I knew it was a line, but I still gave both of you my heart.
Said you would stay, promised you could,
You chose to walk away, I knew you would.
You’re not there anymore, my dearest friends,
I hate to say this, but it is our end.
By day you’re one person, by night another,
Neither of them have anything to do with each other.
I sit here and cry for you - not for me,
What you've become, I wish you could see.
In your life you make friends that you're sure are true,
Nothing else matters, except what's between them and you.
You don't know if anyone has ever before felt this way,
For them you took breaths, you wanted to be alive everyday.
It hurts to loose a friend, it gives you the saddest frown,
And when a second one bails, it's like getting kicked while
you're down.
And it hurts to be accused of something you didn't do,
You guys should know better than anyone, that I would never even think to.
You planted a knife in my back,
You were my life, but now, my memories of you are completely black.
I am afraid to love another, but I know I shouldn't be,
Because the people in my life, are perfect for me.
There is this game I play,
Where I close my eyes and fade away.
I can't believe it's true,
but in this place, I can't even remember that I loved you.
You can't fix something that's already done.
These so called friends who let me down
Who made me feel as though I would drown?
My heart was broken, like a death to grieve,
These friends of mine, set out to deceive.
We had been friends for many years,
With much laughter, fun and tears,
We’d had good times, but that was past,
Like many things they did not last.
They did not invite me,
The hurt they caused,
They did not ring or call,
I think that just about say’s it all.
In my awful dark despair,
I really thought they would care,
A note, a card, or even some flowers,
But they were too mean to even use these powers.
They left me crying and so upset,
How could they, and yet,
“I’m alright” they probably said,
We don’t care, we’ll go ahead,
They carried on it did not matter,
They all went out for chatter,
No doubt to bitch, to stir and moan,
But they had left me, all alone.
When days were darkest, and self esteem so low,
Calls to Samaritans said it all,
They came through with flying colours,
These friends did not, that’s all that matters.
The pain they caused will not go away,
It cuts deep and strong to this day,
To put the phone down on me, screaming abuse,
To lie and try to cover up, Oh God, this is so obtuse.
I did not think I needed to explain,
But my questioning why? Fell in vain,
They tried to say I was over reacting,
They were going to invite me, but did not exactly!
How can people be so mean?
When I was always there so keen,
They did not deserve me as a friend,
I finally realized this in the end.
No peace in their lives will they ever find,
They let a friend down badly, not kind!
They bitched and moaned about each other,
This I will not miss, and don’t want the bother.
I am better, kinder, they will ever be,
Love, respect, they no longer have for me,
To me they are forever gone,
And in my life they no longer belong.
A dignified silence is all that remains,
I’m free now from all the pain,
I realize now they were not real friends,
But used me for their own selfish ends.
I really think they will, miss me,
But I’ve left them alone, and let it be,
I miss them not; it turns out in the end,
Be content with yourself, why defend?
Stand tall, be proud, have peace within,
It is only then you can begin
To be content with the way you are,
Have faith in yourself your a shining star,
Do not let friends put you down,
Destroy your love; stamp it into the ground,
Do not put up with their moans and groans,
Settle this knowledge into your bones.
I am happy now and glad of heart,
That these friends and I are apart,
I’ve moved on now and left them behind,
To each other they will never be kind.
To the rest of my life new friends have come,
Ones that you can really depend and rely on,
So take heed from my awful quest,
And remember, NEW friends really can be BEST.
What are best friends?
Are they always there for you?
Do they keep secrets?
Do they hide from you?
Do they stay by your side?
Or do they trash you to your enemies?
Do they comfort you in tough times?
Or do they make fun of you like you have fleas?
Do they pretend they care?
Do they stab you in the back?
Do they actually care?
Or do they use you?
I don't know what a best friend is
Because I thought I had one
But it turns out,
She makes me feel like a fool.
I defended her in school
When everyone else made fun
I hung out with her
Even if it meant not being cool.
After everything I do
She ends up taking advantage of me
Now she barely confides in me
Or even consider me a best friend.
She has kicked me out of her life
Now I'm just another person that goes to school with her.
She is liked at school now,
With friends galore,
But she has kicked out the one
Who loved her for her.
So tell me,
Is this what "best friends" do?
Because if it is
I would rather not have one,
I wouldn't want to hurt you.
Do you still remember?
When it was just you and me
We trusted each other with anything
The best that friends could be
The bad times came
But we went through them strong
You were always there to help me
And show me right from wrong
Not just a best friend
But more like a sister, too
I never really understood
How could I be blessed with you?
And then I started drinking
I didn't treat you like I should
I thought I couldn't stop it
But you showed me I really could
I thought all the bad was over
That's when you fell for Chris
I warned you, told you it wasn't right
You said you just wanted to kiss
You know I wanted you to be happy
But Jenny, he was twenty two
Our youth worker - supposed to support us
He didn't deserve someone like you
Your relationship turned sexual
And I promised I wouldn't tell
I only wanted to be a good friend
I didn't know it'd make me unwell
Depression then took over me
As I watched him take over you
You treated me so badly then
But what could I really do?
He was seven years older
I hate him for taking you
I told you that I cared so much
And really, that was true
You couldn't see past his lies
And I was the only one who knew
Even though you don't speak to me now
Please know that I'll always love you
We said we would be friends till the end
You said you would always be my friend
You stabbed be in the back
now what we had we can't get back
I see you everyday
but I still feel the need to pray
I miss you more and more
but it can never be like before
I will love you forever
But you will never
I guess you're not the same any more
but what happened to before
Did you ever really care
Did you ever really dare
you thought it was a game
so with you lays the blame
I wish that I could take it all away but it’s done.
We were the best of friends, everything we did was fun.
Now it's not the same since you became cool with the in-crowd.
Now you’re ashamed of me, you want me to be like you but I'm too proud.
I wish that you weren't so stuck-up and would come back to reality.
You wanted to be so popular that you dissed your own nationality.
Now that you got your wish do you still think you made the right choice?
Remember that we once were friends, you always told me that I had a voice.
But what about now you don't even speak up, you're too scared.
They might find out who you are and boot you from your position and not care.
With all that said and done our friendship is left in the past.
But who will you have to come back to when being popular doesn't just doesn't last.
You torn my heart open
And now I shiver
In the cold night
Where you left me
Dying in pain
You betrayed me
Now I don't trust
Because you lied
And bitched
So I don't need you no more
Here I am lying on my bed
Writing this about you
If you hadn't of betrayed
I would be laughing
But you did betray
And now I feel as if I am in a black hole
Of nothingness
You were a fake friend
Pretending to know
Pretending to have fun
I trusted you
I told you secrets I hadn't told anyone else
You kept those secrets
Until now when you tell everyone
Not just will I never trust you again
I will never call you a friend
Because you were a best friend
I'm backing out of your life
And pushing you out of mine
I will lock you out of my life
And I will make sure you never ruin it again
I won't help you
I won't talk to you
I won't give you payback
Because I try to forget you
And those lies you told
I will never forgive you
I don't know if I could ever forgive you for leaving me so cold and sad.
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