Monday, February 21, 2011

Anger management

Ahhh I hate being angry.
Do you ever just get angry and want to throttle someone, but then you remember what the preacher said about managing you're anger and you attempt to calm down but it never works.

Here are ten ways to attempt to control you're anger:

  1. Take a big deep breath
  2. Count to ten ten times
  3. Ask yourself why you are angry
  4. Channel you're anger out in good things rather then bad things
  5. Walk away from what is making you angry
  6. Tell the person (if it is a person) to please stop
  7. Scream into a pillow
  8. Run laps around the house
  9. Do something physical or mind puzzling
  10. Don't get angry!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope this helps and please don't bang the keys on the keypad



  1. Yah, umm, as far as anger management goes... not working for me. You see, the last thing I think about when someone makes me mad is, "Now, HAnnah, control your anger" I just wanna hurt somebody!
