She sees kids with phones half her own age and guys her age smoking pot. She wonders what it would be like if she was like them. If she had a boyfriend or significant other, then she reminds herself guys would not like her, so she just keeps walking and wondering how long this will last.
She walks past a mirror and sees her reflection she sees her face and sadly states that she is fat and she is not pretty enough for a guy to be interested in. She wishes she was skinny like everyone else and that she was seen and admired by the guys she likes but she knows that will never come.
She sits in the car on her way home and stares out the window her spirit is as low as it can go, she cries at night wishing she was never born.
Her friends and family wonder whats going on she'll never tell another living soul.
She knows she can't do this alone so she prays and asks God to help her out of this depression. Slowly God is answering her prayer she still feels lonely and sometimes scared but she knows with God she does not have to fear cause God is near.And he will always be there to catch her when she falls

Do you ever have one of those days when you think everyone wants something from you and they pressure you into doing things that you do not want to do?????? I feal that way all the time