Friday, January 21, 2011

What hurts the most

There is a girl, an ordinary girl, nothing special about this ordinary girl then her extraordinary friends.
She laughs and jokes with them like there is no tomorrow.
But then one day she decides she wants to change her life a bit one friend follows her whole heartedly while the other just stares confused at her other friends.
As this girl gets older and more involved in her life she actually starts to enjoy her life same with the friend who followed her. Her other friend gets weirded out and starts to try and get her friend back to the way she once was the fun, wild, with out a care in the world friend she once had but to no avail. Her friend decides to change to though not the way that She changed almost the opposite, this friend started to hang out with people that She never found anything in common.

So their friendship started to form a break first went the two friend's friendship then it started to slowly pull away from Her and her friend.

She wonders where she went wrong and how she can fix this mess but when she makes an effort to try to mend things her friend does the opposite of what she tries to do.

Her friend starts acting like she is better then her, and like she is a last resort when other people don't want to hang out with her, She gets put on the back burner wondering where she went wrong.

What hurts the most is being so close
and not knowing what could have been and not seeing how trying to mend is what she was trying to do.

Sorry for another sad post but this is exactly what occupies my mind


  1. The main girl's name is Sarina, Friend that follows her's name is Sabrina, last friend's name is Sara
