Sunday, January 23, 2011

The real Isabelle/a

Hi so you probably do not know me so I'm Isabelle.
I live in Washington State with my three brothers and my parents.

Okay so I'm just going to ramble on about me and my life so If you get bored easily I would not recommend this post to read.

So where to begin well I love making people happy and seeing people smile it makes my day. I love being with my friends they are so great and they know me a little better then I give them credit for. I have a weird shade of blonde hair, and green blue eyes. Tell you the truth I wish I had black hair.

I love to sing and dance though not really in public, I also enjoy acting though I can go a little overboard sometimes. My hobbies include writing stories and sketching pictures, and also playing with little kids.

I go by many names: Isabelle, Isabella, Isabel, Izzy, Bell, Bella, Issy, Izzie, Lizabelle, and recently Sabella.
I don't mind being called any of those but just don't call me Izzy B or try not to call me Lizabelle too if you could.

I have two amazing dogs Lucy and Ethel, I used to have three including Chica though she is in a happy place now she lived to be 15 years old and she was a German Shepherd. Lucy and Ethel are mutts very cute and energetic mutts though even now they are almost 8 years old.

When I get older I want to have a golden retriever, or a Cavachon, or maybe a cocker spaniel.
Though that is a ways away.

So now you have some what of a clue what this crazy blog Space-Out-Autumn girl is like sorry for my very random mind I will try to control it in the future...I promise.

Bye now  


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