I wake up in the morning to my mother's calling she tells me to dress nice for Sunday which is what I usually do.
So I came down the stairs dressed causally in a skirt knee high socks and leggings with a turtleneck top and a wool vest cause it was cold so after when I got home I was hot so I went and changed into a summer dress with a tank top under it cause I was hot so when I got down stairs dressed in a short dress with with a tank top under it and leggings and my family starts playing around with me as if I'm not wearing a dress.
But when I don't wear a dress they treat me like I am wearing one.
So I'm at a delightful draw in this war.!.
To wear or not to wear that is the real question ???????????
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
You're inner personality-self ( evil squirrels )
Different people have different points of view. It's the same thing when it comes to you're inner self.
Some people's inner selves arn't interesting at all but some are.
Some people love Dragons
Some people's inner selves arn't interesting at all but some are.
Some people love Dragons
Some people love Fairies
My point that I'm trying to make is some people are way different on the inside then on the out side
Say I really like Vampires I could be a cat on the inside
While you could really like Werewolves
and be a dog on the inside( No relation )
And someone else could really like Dragons
and be a (evil ) squirrel
So what i'm trying to say is that no one is the same, on the inside or outside and that squirrels although they are cute they are evil and planning our demise
Evil squirrels
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Some people say that Fantasy is not a reality some say it is.
I say Fantasy can be Reality in you're mind
I say Fantasy can be a reality if you make it one, it is all a matter of perspective I say.
There's a place in mind mind and no one knows where it hides all the Fantasy flies it's a castle in the sky. It's a world out of sight where no one can tell me what to do where the Pegasus fly and the Dragons sour.
So Howl at the Moon if you like. Because Fantasy Can Be Reality.
I say Fantasy can be Reality in you're mind
I say Fantasy can be a reality if you make it one, it is all a matter of perspective I say.
There's a place in mind mind and no one knows where it hides all the Fantasy flies it's a castle in the sky. It's a world out of sight where no one can tell me what to do where the Pegasus fly and the Dragons sour.
No one can tell you where to go or what to wear it's a place in my mind it's a castle in the sky. No boundaries to the endless imagination world there is a castle in the air, Where the mythical creatures roam to and fro without a care in the world.
So Yes Fantasy Can Be Made A Reality If You Believe It And Want It To Be.
Monday, January 24, 2011
The does and don'ts of Nerf War
Some tips that should help you when you Nerf
- Do Have Nerf wars with lots of people.
- Don't ever let you're dads get a hold on the guns because they are killer shots
- Do try to score shots on you're dad
- Don't shoot you're mom
- Do carry extra ammo with you
- Don't trip while ducking
- Do duck and weave
- Don't wear a low top
- Do laugh
- Don't laugh to hard or you'll miss
- Do run away
- Don't run into furniture
- Do aim high
- Don't aim to high or you'll hit the lights
Use these tips and you are sure to rock and roll at Nerf Wars if these tips don't work out for you good luck chuck
Bye Have Fun Nerfing
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The real Isabelle/a
Hi so you probably do not know me so I'm Isabelle.
I live in Washington State with my three brothers and my parents.
Okay so I'm just going to ramble on about me and my life so If you get bored easily I would not recommend this post to read.
So where to begin well I love making people happy and seeing people smile it makes my day. I love being with my friends they are so great and they know me a little better then I give them credit for. I have a weird shade of blonde hair, and green blue eyes. Tell you the truth I wish I had black hair.
I love to sing and dance though not really in public, I also enjoy acting though I can go a little overboard sometimes. My hobbies include writing stories and sketching pictures, and also playing with little kids.
I go by many names: Isabelle, Isabella, Isabel, Izzy, Bell, Bella, Issy, Izzie, Lizabelle, and recently Sabella.
I don't mind being called any of those but just don't call me Izzy B or try not to call me Lizabelle too if you could.
I have two amazing dogs Lucy and Ethel, I used to have three including Chica though she is in a happy place now she lived to be 15 years old and she was a German Shepherd. Lucy and Ethel are mutts very cute and energetic mutts though even now they are almost 8 years old.
When I get older I want to have a golden retriever, or a Cavachon, or maybe a cocker spaniel.
Though that is a ways away.
So now you have some what of a clue what this crazy blog Space-Out-Autumn girl is like sorry for my very random mind I will try to control it in the future...I promise.
Bye now
I live in Washington State with my three brothers and my parents.
Okay so I'm just going to ramble on about me and my life so If you get bored easily I would not recommend this post to read.
So where to begin well I love making people happy and seeing people smile it makes my day. I love being with my friends they are so great and they know me a little better then I give them credit for. I have a weird shade of blonde hair, and green blue eyes. Tell you the truth I wish I had black hair.
I love to sing and dance though not really in public, I also enjoy acting though I can go a little overboard sometimes. My hobbies include writing stories and sketching pictures, and also playing with little kids.
I go by many names: Isabelle, Isabella, Isabel, Izzy, Bell, Bella, Issy, Izzie, Lizabelle, and recently Sabella.
I don't mind being called any of those but just don't call me Izzy B or try not to call me Lizabelle too if you could.
I have two amazing dogs Lucy and Ethel, I used to have three including Chica though she is in a happy place now she lived to be 15 years old and she was a German Shepherd. Lucy and Ethel are mutts very cute and energetic mutts though even now they are almost 8 years old.
When I get older I want to have a golden retriever, or a Cavachon, or maybe a cocker spaniel.
Though that is a ways away.
So now you have some what of a clue what this crazy blog Space-Out-Autumn girl is like sorry for my very random mind I will try to control it in the future...I promise.
Bye now
Friday, January 21, 2011
What hurts the most
There is a girl, an ordinary girl, nothing special about this ordinary girl then her extraordinary friends.
She laughs and jokes with them like there is no tomorrow.
But then one day she decides she wants to change her life a bit one friend follows her whole heartedly while the other just stares confused at her other friends.
As this girl gets older and more involved in her life she actually starts to enjoy her life same with the friend who followed her. Her other friend gets weirded out and starts to try and get her friend back to the way she once was the fun, wild, with out a care in the world friend she once had but to no avail. Her friend decides to change to though not the way that She changed almost the opposite, this friend started to hang out with people that She never found anything in common.
So their friendship started to form a break first went the two friend's friendship then it started to slowly pull away from Her and her friend.
She wonders where she went wrong and how she can fix this mess but when she makes an effort to try to mend things her friend does the opposite of what she tries to do.
Her friend starts acting like she is better then her, and like she is a last resort when other people don't want to hang out with her, She gets put on the back burner wondering where she went wrong.
What hurts the most is being so close
and not knowing what could have been and not seeing how trying to mend is what she was trying to do.
Sorry for another sad post but this is exactly what occupies my mind
She laughs and jokes with them like there is no tomorrow.
But then one day she decides she wants to change her life a bit one friend follows her whole heartedly while the other just stares confused at her other friends.
As this girl gets older and more involved in her life she actually starts to enjoy her life same with the friend who followed her. Her other friend gets weirded out and starts to try and get her friend back to the way she once was the fun, wild, with out a care in the world friend she once had but to no avail. Her friend decides to change to though not the way that She changed almost the opposite, this friend started to hang out with people that She never found anything in common.
So their friendship started to form a break first went the two friend's friendship then it started to slowly pull away from Her and her friend.
She wonders where she went wrong and how she can fix this mess but when she makes an effort to try to mend things her friend does the opposite of what she tries to do.
Her friend starts acting like she is better then her, and like she is a last resort when other people don't want to hang out with her, She gets put on the back burner wondering where she went wrong.
What hurts the most is being so close
and not knowing what could have been and not seeing how trying to mend is what she was trying to do.
Sorry for another sad post but this is exactly what occupies my mind
Never take friendship personal
Ever gone through a big fight with one of you're best friends?
Ever fought about the most dumbest things and when none of you wants to be the apologizer or admit that they are wrong?
I never can get it right I try to be helpful but it gets harder and harder every time to just walk away and always be the one to give in. It's like nothing you do can make it better and you feel so helpless.
Sometimes you ask yourself is you're friendship really worth it, if you're just going to keep fighting over dumb things. But the pain of losing them is to great to even consider it so you just give in to them.
Like the saying some friends come and go quickly while some come in and stay for a while and when they leave they leave footprints on you're heart that will never be filled in the same again.
It's so hard not to cry when it happens to you it's like you're breath and strength is being sucked out of you and like you're friend is breaking you apart and no one can fix you.
Never take a friendship too deep in or you'll end up with a broken heart.
Don't get me wrong, Friends are important and our saviors, just make sure you make the right ones or you'll just get a broken heart.
Sorry for the sad post but thats all
I could think of to post right now.
Ever gone through a big fight with one of you're best friends?
Ever fought about the most dumbest things and when none of you wants to be the apologizer or admit that they are wrong?
I never can get it right I try to be helpful but it gets harder and harder every time to just walk away and always be the one to give in. It's like nothing you do can make it better and you feel so helpless.
Sometimes you ask yourself is you're friendship really worth it, if you're just going to keep fighting over dumb things. But the pain of losing them is to great to even consider it so you just give in to them.
Like the saying some friends come and go quickly while some come in and stay for a while and when they leave they leave footprints on you're heart that will never be filled in the same again.
It's so hard not to cry when it happens to you it's like you're breath and strength is being sucked out of you and like you're friend is breaking you apart and no one can fix you.
Never take a friendship too deep in or you'll end up with a broken heart.
Don't get me wrong, Friends are important and our saviors, just make sure you make the right ones or you'll just get a broken heart.
Sorry for the sad post but thats all
I could think of to post right now.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Under pressure
A girl walks from class to class all alone, when she looks to the left she sees people making out, and when she looks to the right she sees drugs and violence. She wonders how long she can last standing out there alone.
She sees kids with phones half her own age and guys her age smoking pot. She wonders what it would be like if she was like them. If she had a boyfriend or significant other, then she reminds herself guys would not like her, so she just keeps walking and wondering how long this will last.
She walks past a mirror and sees her reflection she sees her face and sadly states that she is fat and she is not pretty enough for a guy to be interested in. She wishes she was skinny like everyone else and that she was seen and admired by the guys she likes but she knows that will never come.
She sits in the car on her way home and stares out the window her spirit is as low as it can go, she cries at night wishing she was never born.
Her friends and family wonder whats going on she'll never tell another living soul.
She knows she can't do this alone so she prays and asks God to help her out of this depression. Slowly God is answering her prayer she still feels lonely and sometimes scared but she knows with God she does not have to fear cause God is near.And he will always be there to catch her when she falls
She sees kids with phones half her own age and guys her age smoking pot. She wonders what it would be like if she was like them. If she had a boyfriend or significant other, then she reminds herself guys would not like her, so she just keeps walking and wondering how long this will last.
She walks past a mirror and sees her reflection she sees her face and sadly states that she is fat and she is not pretty enough for a guy to be interested in. She wishes she was skinny like everyone else and that she was seen and admired by the guys she likes but she knows that will never come.
She sits in the car on her way home and stares out the window her spirit is as low as it can go, she cries at night wishing she was never born.
Her friends and family wonder whats going on she'll never tell another living soul.
She knows she can't do this alone so she prays and asks God to help her out of this depression. Slowly God is answering her prayer she still feels lonely and sometimes scared but she knows with God she does not have to fear cause God is near.And he will always be there to catch her when she falls

Changes over time
Written by Hannah my cousin
Inspired by a story that I tried to write.
Once you reach a certain point in life the world starts to change. It isn't amazing anymore.
The magic and wonder disappears.
A young child sees the sun in the sky and wonders how in the evening it goes away, but never fails to return in the morning. If you explained to him how this works , he would still be amazed.
An adult sees the same star looming above in the sky, and never stops to wonder. For him, it is simply there. God put it there, the big bang, whatever flouts your boat. It is simply THERE.
Some people never lose a young child's special weapon. They never forget how to be amazed, how to wonder or never lose their imagination.
These people are the lucky ones.
Inspired by a story that I tried to write.
Once you reach a certain point in life the world starts to change. It isn't amazing anymore.
The magic and wonder disappears.
A young child sees the sun in the sky and wonders how in the evening it goes away, but never fails to return in the morning. If you explained to him how this works , he would still be amazed.
An adult sees the same star looming above in the sky, and never stops to wonder. For him, it is simply there. God put it there, the big bang, whatever flouts your boat. It is simply THERE.
Some people never lose a young child's special weapon. They never forget how to be amazed, how to wonder or never lose their imagination.
These people are the lucky ones.
True Friends
A ~True~ friend sticks closer then a brother or sister!

These are just a few of the things True friends are to me
Friends walk away from you in your time of need
True friends walk right with you in your time of need
Friends hang out with you because there is no one else to hang out with.
True friends hang out with you because they'll be bored without you.
Friends will talk about you behind your back
True friends will tell you what their thinking to your face
Friends will back down when you tell them to leave you alone
True friends will bug you till you tell them whats wrong
Friends will talk bad to the person who talks bad to you
True friends will dump their soda on the person who talks bad to you
Friends will abandon you when you embarrass yourself
True friends will embarrass themselves with you

These are just a few of the things True friends are to me
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