The thought of someone ever truly loving me had never crossed my mind,
till I found out that someone has always loved me for being me, and no one else.
How I found this out was quite simple and plain yet it meant and means the world to me!
My mom had been trying to get me to start getting involved in my youth group at church for the longest time, and I had always made up some type of lame excuse to get me out of going. But that all changed when I formally met the Woman's leader for youth group.
She finally convinced me to give it a chance, and that I would enjoy myself when I did go. So I promised her I would go and try it out.
As soon as I was settled I felt something that I had never felt before, I felt peace envelope me.
And all the pain and sorrow I have kept up inside of me just melted away like it was never there to start with! That was when I realized I was not alone anymore. After I felt the Holy Spirit's presence come into my shelled up soul.
About two months later I signed up to be baptized, then in August I was baptized.
I now fully attend my youth group and am slowly finding out what life really means and I am finally figuring out that God has always loved me and always will.
I have always suffered with insecurity, it has always been apart of me.
One day in my youth group the girls split up from the guys, and we were given a piece of paper. And on that little piece of paper we were to write down any or all of our questions and insecurities. Then we were to fold them up and put them into a little black box, and the female youth leaders would pray about them for us.
So I wrote down all my insecurities that I have always suffered with.
And the very next Wednesday service I went to the very same leader who convinced me to come back to youth. Came up to me and told me that I'm a beautiful and that I am an amazing person.
And she continued to say that to me every-time she saw me. I could sense God's presence in her as she spoke those words to me. It was like God was telling her to tell me that when I needed it the most.
Every-time I feel week in my faith or am really struggleing in my life I always get this feeling of peace with me.
I am reminded that there is only one God in the whole world who loves me with this everlasting love.
God's love is everlasting
I never knew that someone could actually really love and truly love me for just being me.
I have finally found the Everlasting Love and that everlasting love is in Jesus Christ!
There actually is such a thing as an Everlasting Love.
Everlasting Love