I climbed down from the oak tree I had been sleeping in and confronted the people below me.
I was far too tired to even try to run away.
There was three of them, all dressed in black from head to toe. They kinda reminded me of the ninjas I used to watch on TV when I was little; even down to the Katana swords slung across their backs.
They had been hiking through the forest when they heard me shifting positions and spotted me in the tree. The next thing I know they called up to me which woke me up. Saying "Hey you up there. Come down!" So I obliged them and started to slowly climb down.

Now that I was finally back on the ground they surrounded me. As if checking to see if I was armed. It was kinda funny them thinking I an average fifteen year old girl was a threat. And it was kinda obvious by the way I was dressed that I was unarmed.
And finally after about five agonizing minuets of silence one of them spoke and took off his mask and asked "Where did you come from? How did you come to find this place?" (I could tell by his voice that he was about sixteen or seventeen.) I sat down and motioned for them to do the same then began to unveil my story. "I was playing hide and seek with my siblings. My other siblings had already taken all the usual hiding places and I did not want to be the first to be found, so I ran into the woods that are behind my house to look for a place to hide. While I was running it did not even cross my mind to look where my feet were going. So the next thing I know I am falling down a black hole and am stranded....Exct!"
About five whole minuets passed before I finished telling the whole story, and by then I had their complete interest.
Then one of the other two guys looked at me "What's your name? Where are you from then?" One of the other two asked me. "My name is Ariana, I'm from Everett Washington. May I ask what your names are and where exactly I am?" I answered slowly. "Oh I'm sorry. My name is Shane and these two are my brothers Seth and Wilson. And you're in Aryan's forest." Shane (the unmasked one) said and indicated to his brothers.
Part seven...
to be continued...
I was far too tired to even try to run away.
There was three of them, all dressed in black from head to toe. They kinda reminded me of the ninjas I used to watch on TV when I was little; even down to the Katana swords slung across their backs.
They had been hiking through the forest when they heard me shifting positions and spotted me in the tree. The next thing I know they called up to me which woke me up. Saying "Hey you up there. Come down!" So I obliged them and started to slowly climb down.

Now that I was finally back on the ground they surrounded me. As if checking to see if I was armed. It was kinda funny them thinking I an average fifteen year old girl was a threat. And it was kinda obvious by the way I was dressed that I was unarmed.
And finally after about five agonizing minuets of silence one of them spoke and took off his mask and asked "Where did you come from? How did you come to find this place?" (I could tell by his voice that he was about sixteen or seventeen.) I sat down and motioned for them to do the same then began to unveil my story. "I was playing hide and seek with my siblings. My other siblings had already taken all the usual hiding places and I did not want to be the first to be found, so I ran into the woods that are behind my house to look for a place to hide. While I was running it did not even cross my mind to look where my feet were going. So the next thing I know I am falling down a black hole and am stranded....Exct!"
About five whole minuets passed before I finished telling the whole story, and by then I had their complete interest.
Then one of the other two guys looked at me "What's your name? Where are you from then?" One of the other two asked me. "My name is Ariana, I'm from Everett Washington. May I ask what your names are and where exactly I am?" I answered slowly. "Oh I'm sorry. My name is Shane and these two are my brothers Seth and Wilson. And you're in Aryan's forest." Shane (the unmasked one) said and indicated to his brothers.
Part seven...
to be continued...
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