Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Inner beauty

We see it in all the movies and TV shows, this outer beauty. 
Sure someone is beautiful on the outside but if you could see the inside, you might think twice about asking her/him out. 
While there could be what seems like an ordinary girl/guy but if you could see the inside, you would see a beauty beyond anything you could have ever imagined.
Outer beauty is nice, but Inner beauty is something special. 
You don't always see the heart of someone if you are blinded by the outer beauty, at least not until it is too late and you are going out or are married to that person do you see how they really tick.
But by then it is far to late to undo it all!
I'm not saying that outer beauty is wrong or that it is a terrible thing to have.
What I'm saying is, you should not go by appearances but by what the person is really like. 
Another words get to know him/her as a person first.    

Sometimes you meet someone who is beautiful on the outside and on the inside. 
But you have to look really hard or wait for the right person to come along, or just stop searching  for mr/miss right.

Inner beauty can't be found in the magazines and can't always be seen on TV.
True inner beauty shines through and is more beautiful/handsome then the top model.
Inner beauty is found in the heart. It is a rare quality that not everybody has but it is so special and important to have a happy relationship or marriage.
Because when the inner beauty shines out of a person it is a remarkably beautiful and amazing sight.

Don't go by outer looks or by what is so called acceptable to other people around and look for someone who has true inner beauty;
Because inner beauty comes from the heart of the person     

The Truest Beauty and a Beauty that never fails is Inner Beauty 

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