Saturday, December 25, 2010

Under the tree

It's Christmas day.
I was awakened by my alarm at 6:00am in the morning I told myself to go back to sleep but sleep did not come easy so I gave up the impossible task and ascended the unendingly noisy stair case, by the time I got down there was no one around and I walked with silent footsteps to the couch and sat down, I made myself a pouch out of a blanket  and flipped the television on and watched some shows that don't need to be mentioned then I heard footsteps from up above I flipped off the TV so quickly and acted so swiftly, I laid my head down and acted asleep when mother came down in a rather sore leep, she touched my shoulder I held really still then she sat herself down in the recliner and dad came down and took care of her for she had a bad headache. I got up eagerly and asked rather dearly if I could open the presents under the tree my father sighed and said to me if I awaken my brothers from there deep slumber then I can discover that witch is under, so I got up and banged on their doors and awoke them up and ran down the stairs they came down all drowsy and we opened the presents under the tree.

But now looking down under the tree it looks so bare it isn't fare like when they where there.

So now I must wait until next year to awaken and look under the tree      


  1. Christmas is over! Waaaaaah! And, true, the tree does look empty.

  2. ash-
    i loves it izzy, but the whole thig was all one sentence, if you puncuated it corectly you could earn millions as a childrens writer!!!!!

  3. Thanks I was really bummed out when It was over
