Friday, February 18, 2011

Spazes have more fun

Okay i'm not always a spazz but lately I have been very spazzy which is very odd for me.

Well moving on.
Have you ever seen a shirt that says blondes have more fun or brunets have more fun? Did you ever stop and think that that is sooo not true?! The truth that never comes out is that Spazes have way more fun and it is soooooooooooo True.
Ask any spazzy person and they will say the same.
I am occasionally a spazz I have to admit, though it kills me to or not really me but it kills the image I have set up for myself.

If you ever meet a spazz I say beware I am friends with two of the biggest spazes  in the state of Washington and I tell you it is contagious highly contagious.
I would show you photos but I can't find a good enough one.

Stay Spazzy

And SPAZES HAVE WAY MORE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's Spaztastic.


  1. Oh i know how you feel-
    Ah. Screw this xD I know you Isabelle! What image? :D You don't have one xD Too shy~
    I think Ashley and Me are WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY more spaz-y than you xD

    ~Happy-Emo-Bunnies <3 </3

  2. No I could not find a good pic off of Google and I know you to. And yes you are but not waaaayyy spazzier just barley spazzy

  3. you sooooooooo used my word (and elises!!!) but i forgive you...and i am one of those spazzes right? (i think me and Hannah are the spazes, m i right?)
