Tuesday, February 22, 2011


The whole family was fast asleep not even a slight noise came from them.
The whole night was as peaceful as the moon, or so it would seem.
As the night wore on you could hear if you listened closely footsteps coming to the door.
And as silent as the wind the door opened and two figures stepped dressed in black from head to toe.
slowly they made their way to the kitchen, the bigger guy pulled out a long string of twisted rope soaked in liquor,
he put the edge in the box of explosives and rolled the rest through the door.
He lit the other end of the rope and ran to a safe distance away from the house and watched silent as the night itself as the fire made its way along the rope and into the house.
The daughter woke up to the smell of burning and came down stairs.
 When she saw the fire she ran back up the stairs waking her whole family up and telling them what was going on.
Her family ran for the window and climbed out quick but little did they know that they left their young son sleeping in the cradle.
Just then the house burst into flames and the windows shattered.
The two guys watched with silent satisfaction as the house burned.
The daughter having just realized that her brother was in there climbed back into the burning house just before the firemen arrived.
The mother screamed when she saw her two children missing, she ran towards the house but was stopped by the firemen.
She screamed at them that her daughter and son were still in there and desperately tried to break free.
Everyone heard a laud scream and a young girl's voice yelling help we are over here.
They ran over to the window and grabbed the baby, they were about to grab her but the fire blocked that exit.
All they could hear were the laud pleas of the girl begging them to get her out of there and they could do absolutely nothing but hear the sickening screams of the daughter as she searched for a way to escape her fiery grave.
The firemen fought to get inside and rescue the young teen from her agony but the fire was too strong.
About six hours later they finally put the fire out.
The family and firemen searched the house for the daughter but could not find her.
Till they heard a loud and agonizing scream coming from the mother as she fought to remove the roof boards from the still form of the girl.
When they removed the debris from on top of her they saw that she was dead.
Her whole family morned for their daughter and sister.
The news crew came and they called the story A sister's courage.
The whole community came together and morned for the young courageous girl.
One of the young men was later found and sent to jail.
The one who opened the door was truly sorry for the young girl's life and claimed that he did not know that the family was at home.
He later testified against his own brother in court landing him a lighter sentence but ended up with a troubled and guilty mind.
The girl's family never was the same again.
But they were so thankful for their daughter's courage and big heart.

A memorial for the daughter was set in her favorite place at the park and on it was written,
One girl's sense saved a whole family from their death, her sense of an emergency saved her little brother's life but lost her own in the process.
She is the miracle of the Haze family.