This is the story of Shlila
From the time she when she was just a baby she had always shied away from everyone and everything around her, no matter who they were.
From the first day of school she tried to stay in the back row and had her hair in her face and was always the last one in line to everything.
She started to dress skimpy because she wanted boys to like her and ask her out so she wore low tops and super skinny jeans with lots of makeup on her face.
So when she started high-school she was labeled and called by everyone Shlila instead of her real name Lila. She got into many relationships and had many heartbreaks in her life. She was so shy that if there was a populated room she would make an excuse to go to the bathroom just to get away from talking to people.
She did not enjoy her life and hated the sun. She wondered why God created her and why her mother did not abort her.
This beautiful girl full of talent hid herself from the sun and always wore sweatshirts no matter what the weather. She was taken advantage of on many occasions because of her insecurity. She was almost willing to do anything for someone to like her and I mean anything!! She dyed her hair from it's vibrant dark blonde to towhead blonde with pink streaks in it.
She grew up in a family where she was loved and cared for but they were not really a family if you really looked deep into it. It got so bad that even her parents started calling her Shlila and she forgot that her real name was Lila.
She eventually tried to commit suicide on many occasions but always failed.
At sixteen she was sent to rehab for prescription drug overdose.
She would not lat anyone see her face because she was so ashamed to be alive.
One day when one of her school friends came to visit her in the hospital, when her friend opened the door to Shlila's room she screamed at what she saw. For there hanging from the celling directly in front of her was Shlila, she was dead.
Shlila had hanged herself because of her insecurity.
There was a note left on the desk for her parents that read I am sorry that you ever gave me life I will no longer be a bother to you anymore.
Sorry for all the inconvenience I have caused you
Shlila killed herself because she did not want to burden anyone and because she thought no one liked her or would marry her because of her messed up family.
Shlila's insecurity killed her
Help find a cure for the disease of Insecurity for it has claimed many
Shlila is not related to anyone I know about and is a complete made up person
ReplyDeleteOkay, so, i know your not going to agree but, i don't think she killed her self because of what SHE thought. Personally, don't you think that the reason she killed her self would be because of what OTHERS thought? Because of what they told her? Their lies? Lol, well that's how i see it ^^
She killed herself because she was never happy and she was always being taken advantage of