Tuesday, December 21, 2010

In Wonder ( another random none rhyming poem that I wrote )

Have you ever wondered how the wind blows from the North to the South or how it blows from East to West?

I have always wondered how tall the trees will grow to and when they will stop growing and die?
Have you ever wondered how nature gets it's glow or how long the sky is,
Or when you'll find the end of the rainbow with the pot of gold or find true love like in the romance novels?

Have you ever thought about how long an average girl or boy must wait to find their special someone who will love them for just being their own person?

Do you ever wonder how the sky stays such a deep shade of blue and how the sun seems to follow your every movement?

I'm always trying to find anew way to get away from pain and a way to get away from my and other's pain but I am still searching for that outlet as of now.

Have you ever made a promise that you just can't keep or wondered how people can be crying one moment and laughing the next?
Have you ever wondered how the trees stay so green and so bright and tall?

I often wonder how the earth is round and not flat?

I'm always in constant wonder at all the good and the bad things all around me and wait for some sort of change.

But till then I'll always be in deep wonder!  

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